The newspaper headlines of tomorrow will be much like today’s, only more so. We can confidently predict stories of the following nature: Black mothers weeping and wailing as they bemoan a dead son, probably killed by a bullet or knife in some inner-city area; Islamic terrorist attacks on innocent citizens – and how the perpetrators sprung from British mosques (BNP leader Nick Griffin made roughly this sort of prediction, got hauled up in court over it, then saw it happen); The already discussed ‘Famous person admonished for comment, makes grovelling apology’ story; Inter-racial violence; An ethnic celebrity will bemoan the lack of other ethnics in his or her particular industry, which will get a fair amount of media coverage and make white people feel mildly guilty, although they won’t be able to say exactly why; The determination of a certain institution to clamp down on r-cism: Fluff story about the success of a particular ethnic businessman or celebrity; How a council is ‘banning’ Christmas (which will be followed up by people, including ethnics, saying ‘this is crazy!’ It won’t matter though, because in the long run, Christmas will slowly fade, as Muslims become ever more populous); A government-sponsored public body finding that – wow! – immigration is actually a really fantastic idea and citing statistics to illustrate that fact; ‘Honour’ killings; Children brought before the law because of r-ist name-calling; Population predictions showing how Britain will be minority white by a certain date. This last one will be wearily received with a shrug of the shoulders by a British public who are tired, who can’t fight any more, not that they did much anyway. Like death, it’s a sad inevitability. (A quick point: notice how murders of blacks are treated in a completely different way by the media than murders of whites, assuming that both were killed by the ‘opposite’ colour. All the guilt, all the agonising, all the self-flagellation is wrung out when these things happen. And in British law nowadays murders which may otherwise be ‘equal’ aren’t any more, because of the invention of the warped ‘hate crime’.)
With the trend being towards bland free newspapers rather than editorial-led paid-fors, we are likely to see less scrutinising of British politics than previously, certainly in the mass market. Thanks to the internet, people will increasingly be able to educate themselves and read what the mass media won’t let them see. While this is in some ways a good thing, it means that people are more likely to pick up viewpoints from extreme ends of the spectrum. Who’s to say these views are incorrect? But governments must be prepared for a splintering of political thought. We are already seeing that in the loss of support for the major parties, particularly at non-general elections. And of course, thanks to the huge influx of Asians into Britain, we will see their own parties grow in strength and number. As the Asians of the West Midlands become divorced from the nation they reside in, they will increasingly choose to use their own banks, their own shops, their own political entities. This is all fairly normal behaviour.
What the press has struggled with is the ‘new’ sort of crimes and misdemeanours that have been imported into the country. Honour killings, ‘drive-bys’, serial fatherhood, drug-dependent neighbourhoods, mugging epidemics, ‘hate’ crimes and so on fall into this category. But the media also treats the slightly less serious stories in an odd fashion. We’ve seen a few reports of a ‘drug-dealing grandmother’ in the last few years. A drug-dealing grandmother! Well, I never! Up and down the land people think of a white-haired old lady sat in a rocking chair with her knitting needles. But hang on - that’s the
old version of a grandmother, the traditional, British version of one. Nowadays you might have a Jamaican immigrant as a grandmother, and it’s her that you have to stick in your mind’s eye. People can’t do that yet, because the media persist in propagating the ‘old’ stereotype. (Interesting how stereotypes can work in different ways. And however they work, there is always some truth in them, otherwise they would not have evolved.)
The media always love their ‘father of four’ statistic, as if that were to conjure up some loving daddy surrounded by his little ’uns at the fireside who was terribly unlucky to be gunned down in the latest turf war between ethnic gangs. The media persist in this false picture for various reasons: firstly, some journalists don’t know any better, they are as naive as they come; secondly, it keeps the people feeling not too unsafe. Because nobody would buy a newspaper if they reported nothing but gloom and horror; thirdly, it is hoped that all people are the same, are of equal sensibilities and will react in the same way.
This will gradually change. It has to. Because when Britain is half non-white, behaviour will be very different from what it is today. It is difficult to predict how people will then behave. But we can safely predict that general existence will not be calm and collected.
1 comment:
Britain is changing faster than most people realize. Successive governments have allowed this accelerating change to happen, regardless of the wishes of the electorate.
We are committing national suicide. Islam is growing in strength by the day here. I am quite sure that one day, unless present trends are reversed, this lovely country of ours will be turned over to the followers of the prophet Muhammad. It's bound to happen with present trends, because of the Muslims' much higher birthrate, and also because they feel it their duty to Islamize the whole wide world - to turn Dar ul Harb into Dar ul Islam.
This so-called global war on Islamic terrorism - am I supposed to say that? - is a side show. What we really are up against is the global jihad! And allowing all these Muslims into our Christian country is part of the silent jihad: Muslims are winning land for Allah without having to put up a fight!
But nothing is being done about it; on the contrary, they are being aided and abetted by our lily-livered politicians.
My experience of living and working in the Islamic world tells me that Britain of the future will be nothing like the Britain we have known and loved.
We must prepare for a rocky, stormy road ahead, my friend.
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