Thursday, November 29, 2007


There is always a temptation to think it is too late to do anything, that we’ve run out of time. But that would only collude with absurd thinking that does not realise how long the road in front of us is. (‘End of history? Start of nonsense!’ Margaret Thatcher once snapped.) There are things that can be done to alleviate some of the nightmares that future generations will endure. Here are a few straightforward ideas:
Disband the race relations board, or whatever sobriquet it chooses to go under nowadays. Let people stand up for themselves without small-minded bureaucrats chipping in. It would be a tribute to the immigrants, it would create a level playing field. If the industry suits their natural talents, ‘minorities’ have done well. Millionaire Asian businessmen had little use of the race relations people. Nor did super-successful sportsmen or musicians.
Asking for ethnic data should be banned. It is divisive, it seeks to feed deadly quotas. It’s also nosy.
End translations into foreign languages on government and local government literature. English is a wonderful language (read Bill Bryson’s Mother Tongue) and should be spoken by as many people as possible. Making it mandatory would have the desirable twin effects of making social communication and integration easier, and dissuading those from coming here who have little interest in or ability to, integrate.
Pakistanis who are allowed to bring wives in for arranged marriages should be forbidden from doing so. It swells the population unnecessarily, creates pockets of purely foreign people and is hardly consistent with the aspirations of a modern, mobile democratic land.
Border police should patrol areas of susceptibility. The very fact that they would be there would dissuade would-be ‘invaders’. At the same time limit immigration to an absolute minimum in any way possible, even if it means pulling out of certain international agreements. The fabric of our nation is at stake here.
Allow the police to do their jobs properly. Stop the absurd practice of having them fill in forms detailing ethnic data about who they stop and search. Allow them to hunt suspects whoever they might be. If young Asian males are the ones who are more likely statistically to commit suicide bombings, then pay particular attention to them. If you knew the murderer in the village was a tall bald man you’d focus your investigation on tall bald men.

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