Thursday, November 29, 2007


Imagine for one moment that the entire world was of one colour, one creed. People would stand a very good chance of being judged for themselves. No one would be able to claim that they were being done wrong against because of their colour or the way their eyes were slanted or the way their hair curled. Of course this is, in reality, impossible. The world is not like this so it is pointless to think of it so. But until around 50 years ago, most West European countries were like this. Britain, for example. Until 1948 we had a ‘trace’ amount of black people and Asians. Yes of course there were Jews and others whose ancestors may not have occupied these lands in 1066. But they were a small minority, largely accepted, largely happy to fade into the background and do their bit for their adopted land.
Thanks to the British Nationality Act of 1948 Britain changed forever. After a few short years the land had been changed so much that new laws were deemed necessary to ‘protect’ certain people. These laws were not necessary before mass immigration. Therefore mass immigration is a divisive force. We may never be able to think of the world as mono cultural (and nor would it be a desirable thing – a variety-packed world is what makes it such a fascinating place) but we could, before 1948, think of Britain as such a place. The immigrants arriving can not be blamed – most were just after a better life. The finger of blame must be pointed at the politicians who allowed them to arrive and create conditions that could in no way be said to be as harmonious and rancour-free as what preceded them.
And so from the 1950s onwards in Britain, people have not been merely people, they have become political objects. This is what the Left loves – a land of various types that allows them to carry out their favourite way of ruling: to introduce new laws to control. People aren’t people now, they’re black, or white, or Asian or ‘Other’ - take a look at any form your local council sends you. You are asked to identify your race by any number of organisations. And these statistics are collated, and they are used in such a way ‘to benefit all parts of the community’. Which means to boost the ‘representation’ or visible presence of ‘minorities’ (the word is almost becoming a joke and will soon become irrelevant). In other words, if you’re white British, you will not get favourable treatment.
One of the most ghastly aspects of our new order has been positive discrimination. This ensures that people who may be of lesser ability than others get favourable treatment because of the colour of their skin. It is the most blatant example yet of a multicultural nation not being fair. One day positive discrimination might disappear into the ether, an archaic relic of another age, but for the moment it’s very much around. Policemen, doctors, fire fighters, students – all are now likely to be chosen because of reasons that have little to do with their qualities as a person. It’s interesting that in certain industries - fast food service, security, retail work etc – it is anything but necessary to employ racial quotas. Any proper, evolved, democratic market economy should not require racial quotas of any kind – the market will ensure that fairness prevails. Socialists do not accept this, and hate the free market, which ties in nicely with their enthusiasm for quotas.
The trouble with quotas is that you don’t know for sure whether that person got where they are because they deserved to. They may have done. But they may not have done. If there is a seed of doubt then that person is in danger of not being fully respected. In some instances it is clear that a black person has achieved great things on their own, they have not had to rely on the machinations of politicians. Sportsmen and musicians are good examples (and these people in these high visibility industries actually give a false representation of the success and number of blacks in Britain). We know that the likes of Chris Eubank, Ian Wright and Frank Bruno became huge successes because of their particular talents. Would it be the same we could think of Lord Bill Morris, Lord John Taylor and Koffi Annan in the same way. They may fully deserve their positions. On the other hand... (Checking out Lord Taylor’s website, I notice he misspells the title of his favourite film, It’s A Wonderful Life, and cites Muhammed Ali as his ‘most favourite sportsman’. Curious indeed.)
If an office is full of white people, someone might say: ‘It’s a terrible thing there aren’t more black people here’. It’s not a terrible thing. It’s not a good thing. It just is. Once you start voicing fears about the ethnicity of an office you’re already some way down a slippery slope. But to do so shows how the Left have got their fangs so far into the minds of everyday people so that they begin thinking along these political lines. They no longer think along the lines of: the people who we get in this office must be the best people for that job. Even though they don’t realise it, they are being unfair to their fellow man.
One more way that a multicultural society is not a fair society is the way that decent people are punished for saying things which are harmless. They are admonished by the self-righteous who, keen to buy themselves an easy bit of virtue (see next chapter) speak harshly to them. This can lead to the innocent, sometimes elderly people being hurt when they hardly deserve it. (Keeping up with the latest ‘acceptable’ name for ethnics can be a major job in itself for some folk who have the temerity to live in the country or away from channels of fashionable media. It is not fair play to admonish an old person for saying ‘coloured’ rather than ‘black’, especially when they were trying hard to be non-offensive.) A perfectly respectable middle-aged woman found herself in trouble with the law and in the newspapers because she made some harmless, off the cuff remark linking an Indian woman with a popadum. This then leads in turn to further repression of free speech. We’re hardly a healthy, free, robust land when so much of what we do and say has to be censored, so much of it has to be deemed by the governing classes as ‘acceptable’. Fairness should be promoted in any decent society – what we have now in ours is a demotion of fairness, with political correctness put above it.

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