Britain is a battered country. For 60 years it has been the subject of a never-before-tried-on-this-scale social experiment. Change has been forced upon a nation that never asked for it. Who can blame the British for being r-cist, if that’s what we are? We’ve been asked to swallow a big, bitter pill. Other nations would have descended into civil war or revolution over what’s happened here.
Too much of anything isn’t good. And too much of a bad thing can be brutally destructive. When it comes to the composition of a population, especially when you’re talking about the population of a vastly successful country that has been established for a thousand years, a large foreign element is a challenge. Challenges are part of life and have to be met, but there are problems that can become insurmountable. As stated many times before, the immigration problem is a numbers game. Minimise the numbers, minimise the issue, minimise the problem. Otherwise all we have to do is look abroad to places like Pakistan, Zimbabwe or South Africa to see what life will be like in this sceptered isle in years to come if numbers are not curtailed. Tragically we’re going in the opposite direction. There is little light at the end of the tunnel. Or is there? To conclude, here’s a look at two scenarios of Britain’s future. (I take little comfort from the fact that it’s not just us, it’s several countries in western Europe, like France, Denmark and Holland, that are faced with similar problems to us.) First, the nightmare scenario, then the dream scenario. The years I have inputted are rough estimations of when events might occur.
So, the nightmare scenario: in 2009 the Labour government is re-elected. They spend the next five years doing much the same as they have since 1997, ie not policing the borders, encouraging minority discord, lying to the public about the extent of the problem. In the 2010s it is announced that the following cities are officially minority white: Bradford, Leicester, Birmingham and London. White flight continues to speed up out of these cities, along with cities like Bristol, Manchester, Leeds and Nottingham. During this time yet more race legislation is introduced. Islam overtakes Christianity as the main religion of Britain. By 2017 the EU’s legal stronghold is complete: we couldn’t change our immigration laws even if we wanted to (Christopher Booker says that is already the case).
By 2030 Bollywood films take up several screens at local Odeons. Blacks and Asians hold many more positions of power than they do now; there are more and more hints of corruption and prejudice in Britain’s workplaces. Race riots become regular occurrences, between all sorts of different races. White people continue to leave Britain at record levels. Another Conservative government – ever – seems unlikely. Politics has changed, issues have changed, immigration is not really an issue which is discussed any more. It’s all open borders now. To even voice the words ‘immigrant’ or ‘foreigner’ is considered r-ist. The R word is commended for being the most printed and said word in the English language, taking over from f-k.
By 2050 Britain is officially minority white. A group of militant black politicians say they pray for the day when there are no whites left on this soil. A white terrorist organisation, WFB (Whites For Britain) springs up and commits several atrocities. They are caught and executed but many more will fill their places. The country gets its first Asian prime minister.
By 2100 white cemeteries have been desecrated, history books rewritten, science replaced by ancient religious beliefs. Violent crime is everywhere. Most communities that can afford it are gated. Politics, the police force and the educational establishment are riddled by corruption and incompetence. There’s little hope left: folk who know of times like VE Day and the Swinging ’60s cannot believe what has happened to the land. How could their ancestors have done this to them?
That’s the gloomy side of the future. But let’s be optimistic for a minute, and consider the following as a dream scenario: in 2009 a Conservative government is elected. They set up decent immigration controls and introduce a series of sensible measures that reject multiculturalism and will limit future numbers. Over the next 20years, India, China and even parts of Africa enjoy economic growth, encouraging their inhabitants to stay in their native land. Many who are here actually go back to their homelands. Those that stay begin to integrate more – they have to because there are no translated documents any more, no race relations boards, no sops to the discredited creed of multiculturalism.
By 2050 the percentage of ethnics in the population is little more than it is now. Cities have not been totally overrun. There are still problems but people generally get along well, the media has grown up in its treatment of racial issues, there is little need for ‘extremist’ political parties because the main parties have adapted policies which are in tune with the electorate. An educated population knows what is best for it and vote accordingly. And they all lived happily ever after...
So those are two visions of Britain’s future. The latter version requires more will, more foresight, more courage (and a damn sight more optimism). Anyone who’s thinking of having children can only pray that there are enough people, particularly those at the ‘top’, who make wise decisions. If not, we’re doomed, and that ‘we’ may as well apply to the world, not just Great Britain.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
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