Thursday, November 29, 2007


If the results of mass immigration are bad as people like me say they are, then why on earth have they been allowed to happen? Why do so many people appear to be in favour of it? Surely it should have been stopped years ago? Well, there are reasons for everything. Firstly, a rough history of Britain’s tragedy would go something like this: end of the Empire; post-colonial guilt; British Nationality Act passed without any idea as to what the consequences might be; jobs up for grabs in booming ’50s Britain; race relations legislation passed because so many immigrants were now here; increasing politicalisation of an already touchy issue; inadequate controls introduced; pleas by Ugandan Asians persecuted by Idi Amin to come here; staggering birth rates amongst immigrants; increased ghettoisation of British cities; the rise of ‘the enemy within’, the vocal black Left; Blair’s decision in 1997 to abandon immigration controls once again; membership of the EU and the freeing of Eastern European citizens leading to another huge wave; Britain’s international legal position, which makes it illegal to send many immigrants home, comes to fruition; population predictions in 2007 of Britain being only 70 per cent white by the year 2030.
All along the line there have been different reasons given for why mass immigration is a good thing. We’ve almost gone full circle now – the latest fantasy the government peddle is that there are jobs to be filled and economic growth to be sustained, as in the ’50s. It is also routinely claimed that multiculturalism leads to a ‘vibrant’ and ‘colourful’ land, a happy melting pot. The reality hardly matches these claims. It is a vision seen by those high up in newspaper offices, in their ivory towers, looking down at the city that they don’t properly live in. Money alleviates you from the worst bits of multi racial cities: if you have a car, you can avoid public transport. If you have money you can send your child to a private school. If you have money you can avoid the NHS. If you have money you can live in a nice area. So those that dictate the conditions we live in – the journalists, the politicians, the bureaucrats – often do not have to put up with them themselves.
Big business also likes immigration, because it gives them an endless supply of cheap labour. Why employ British Bill for £10 an hour when you can get Asian Ali for £7 an hour? And so the population becomes more divided, between the super rich and the rest. (Anita Roddick said as much in her last interview.) Studies have shown that the only ones benefitting in monetary terms from immigration are the immigrants themselves. GDP as divided between the number of heads under our country’s roof stays roughly the same.
The Labour party have been especially keen on mass immigration for many years because it gives them more voters. Many immigrants don’t vote, but those that do overwhelmingly support Labour, always have done. Labour will never admit this but boy do they know it. And so is exposed the ultimate act of disgraceful political deviance: sacrificing your country for keeping your political party in power. You wonder whether these people will repent on their deathbeds when they have seen what they have done. As the immigrant population grows they become more influential. Policies are tailored to them. The country fragments more. We are close to reaching the point where those with shallow feelings towards this nation will become instrumental in its future; some might say we are already there. It is a very important moment, because it signifies that Britain is no longer being shaped by its indigenous population.
Lastly, there is a more simple answer why all this has happened. People are sheep. People let themselves be pushed around, be bullied by politicians. This would be okay if the politicians were wise, honourable characters who ensured that their constituents’ beliefs were fully heard in Parliament, but that seems rarely to be the case. Our political system, in which MPs have to take the party whip or suffer the consequences ensures that they generally vote with their party. Old and wise ones with no career to worry about may no longer do this quite so much. We have no proportional representation, we have three main parties who are under media spotlight and who must appeal to the masses. Churchill said: ‘Democracy is the worst form of rule, apart from all the others that have been tried.’ He was right, but there sure isn’t pure democracy, here or anywhere else.

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