Firstly, religion. It’s back. And it’s even worse than before. You can thank millions of Muslim immigrants for that. In the history of Great Britain religion has played an integral part. Some of it has been good, much of it has been bad (we’ll set aside for a moment the extreme unlikelihood of the scriptures being based on anything that could have actually happened and religion’s clash with modern-day science). But by the middle of the 20th century it had been tamed in the West. No longer could puritans burn witches, or priests terrify the ignorant with tales of brimstone and damnation, or teachers tell their class that the earth was just a few thousand years old. Progress had been made, science was taking over, religion was beginning to die a deserved death. Reason and rationality had replaced archaic beliefs that were intransigent and did much more harm than good. Around the same time as technology was making lives easier and better, and global trade spreading the wealth of nations, Britain was throwing off the shackles of a creed that had over the centuries hindered scientific progress and rational thought. There was much to rejoice about. And then along came mass immigration.
So now, a large percentage of the people who live in Great Britain are back to square one; they’re where we were several hundred years ago. And so we now have fasts in the name of religion, cruel animal slaughter in the name of religion, social policies in the name of religion, diets in the name of religion, and killings in the name of religion. In The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins lambasts religion yet doesn’t especially single out ‘British’ Muslims. That’s for someone else to do. How difficult can it be for an educated person to put two simple facts together and form an opinion: religion has always caused problems; mass immigration has caused many problems – put the two together and you have BIG problems. A government run by the rules of 12th century theocracy is no democratic government at all. There could not be a bigger clash of civilisations than that which we are now experiencing in our land. We could not have invited in a more unruly immigrant than the Muslim – take anything from our love of dogs (they hate them) or our smiling approval of nudity (they forbid it) to the actual running of a country by (roughly)
Population predictions come and go with less fanfare than before, but they always show the population moving in one direction: up. Again, it’s so simple
Ghettos are the new slums. Again, just as Britain was finally getting rid of the awful slums of the cities, something just as horrible replaced them. Generally featuring mainly ethnic populations, ghettos suffer drug problems, violence, illegitimacy and antisocial behaviour. But the politicians who make the laws don’t live in them, so they’re all right Jack.
As I say, drugs are a problem in inner-city areas. But they’re a problem in many more areas than that. The flourishing drug trade has touched every part of Britain. Many people will do drugs if they’re there. If they weren’t there they might not. So when the availability, through networks stretching back to Jamaica and other drug-exporting foreign countries, is not a problem, then there are more drugs around to take, at lower prices.
Enoch Powell said that a large immigrant population was food and drink to those who hate their country. The otherwise unemployable folk who have been sitting on Race Relations boards for the last 40 years have certainly been given meal tickets by their lucrative day jobs. Many may have good intentions, but they’re essentially getting paid for stirring up trouble. Their job is division, to look after only certain sectors of the population. Their operations are similar to black newspapers like New Nation and The Voice, who do more for racial segregation than any white South African politician ever did. It seems silly to state it, but if there were no immigrants here there would be no need for the race relations industry, and that could only be a good thing. There are
Finally, if there’s a global effect to mention about the mass migration from Third World to First, it’s that the world has become a darned sight more lopsided. Imagine for one moment not a single body had moved to the rich West from the poor countries. How much wealthier would those nations be, how their entrepreneurs would have kick-started their economies, created jobs, created hope. Yet these countries have been robbed of much of their finest talent. And so the rich nations have got richer and the poor nations have got poorer – the world is more divided, the gap between incomes and cultures more vast. The next time you are asked upon to contribute to Third World charities remember that the plight of such countries has been made worse by negligible immigration controls in your country. Also bear in mind that those who most keenly support Third World charities are likely to most likely oppose tough immigration controls.
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